On this page check details of all Dak Ghar / Post Offices with PinCode 751012. There are total of 1 post offices in Khorda Odisha (OR), India (IND) with same PIN code order. There are Post offices given below -
- Nayapalli
On this page check details of all Dak Ghar / Post Offices with PinCode 751012. There are total of 1 post offices in Khorda Odisha (OR), India (IND) with same PIN code order. There are Post offices given below -
Nayapalli Post Office is found in Bhubaneswar ODISHA. Nayapalli is a Sub Post Office. A (PO) or Post Office / Dak Ghar is a facility is also available such as processing, sorting, and delivering mail/Posts to residents of Nayapalli. All over India the POs are regulated and funded by the Government so the Nayapalli is also funded by GOI (Government of India).
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