Post Office Purani Basti (jaipur) Pincode of district Jaipur and state Rajasthan post office details are given below -
Purani Basti (jaipur) Pin Code of Jaipur district Rajasthan India - | |
Post Office | Purani Basti (jaipur) |
PIN Code | 302001 (Click to see all Post Offices with same Pin Code) |
State | Rajasthan (RJ) |
District | Jaipur |
Taluk | Jaipur |
Delivery Status | Non-Delivery |
Postal Division | Jaipur City |
Postal Region | Jaipur HQ |
Postal Circle | Rajasthan |
Office Type | Sub Post Office |
Contact | 0141-95525508 |
Map Location of Purani Basti (jaipur) Jaipur Rajasthan?
Other 9 Post Offices with Same Postal Code of Jaipur District
Post Office | PIN Code | District. | State. |
Ashok Nagar (Jaipur) | 302001 | Jaipur | Rajasthan (RJ) |
Bhura Tiba | 302001 | Jaipur | Rajasthan (RJ) |
C.p M.G | 302001 | Jaipur | Rajasthan (RJ) |
Chandpole Bazar | 302001 | Jaipur | Rajasthan (RJ) |
Indra Bazar | 302001 | Jaipur | Rajasthan (RJ) |
Jaipur GPO | 302001 | Jaipur | Rajasthan (RJ) |
M.I.Road | 302001 | Jaipur | Rajasthan (RJ) |
Purani Basti (Jaipur) | 302001 | Jaipur | Rajasthan (RJ) |
Rajasthan State Hotel | 302001 | Jaipur | Rajasthan (RJ) |